HIV Point-of-Care (Nucleic Acid Testing) Landscape in Africa

Welcome to the point-of-care (POC) early infant diagnostic (EID) landscape in Africa. Through funding provided by Unitaid, partners including the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), UNICEF, and ASLM have successfully supported the introduction of POC EID and viral load (VL) technologies and pilot activities in sub-Saharan African countries. Strategic deployment of POC EID is key to getting more infants tested for HIV and initiated on treatment in a timely manner. This map indicates the distribution by type and numbers of POC Nucleic Acid Testing (NAT) for HIV, EID and VL technologies ( Alere, Samba, GeneXpert, etc. ) being used by some countries in Africa.  The number of types of technologies formally registered per country has been used as a proxy indicator for uptake of this relatively new market of POC NAT diagnostics. To view the number of registered technology types, move the cursor to the country of interest. To view actual numbers of instruments per particular type of technology and the type of tests conducted, click on the country of interest.

Nb: Countries in Black – No data available yet

Alternative content for the map

Countries with POC – EID technology registered

  • Only 1 technology

  • Two technologies

  • Three technologies

  • Four technologies

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